
PULK & Brace for Impact

Circ'a Holix, Knot on Hands
Zirkus Salto / Haus der Jugend
Tout public
Tarif de 9 à 12 €


Circ'a Holix

Who are we in the group? What attracts us to the stage? How do we define circus for ourselves? When individuals come together in a group, conflicts, emotions and different dynamics arise. We are all looking for our place in this structure. The artists of the Landesjugendzirkus Niedersachsen und Bremen deal with this theme in the production PULK. As a production, PULK places itself in the field of contemporary circus and works at the interfaces with other arts such as theatre and dance. In this way, the artists try to find answers to the questions posed in an artistic way and keep rediscovering circus. 

Performance, tout public
Duration → 30 minutes


Circ’a Holix

Website → Circ'a Holix

Brace for Impact

Knot on Hands

In Brace for Impact three acrobats search for the limits of balance. In their quest of an equilibrium they find new ways of moving forward and travelling through space. On their journey they explore each other’s (im) possibilities and find out what it means to put all their weight in someone else’s hands. Knot on Hands shows an innovative and more organic form of partner acrobatics, while emphasizing the pureness of the movement, and distinguishes itself using a unique physical language. Brace for Impact presents you a physical conversation between three people who keep on moving. Throughout the performance, the wordless conversation progresses, and slowly, a pathway is created across the stage. The balance between the three circus artists is constantly being challenged and restored, creating tension and constriction within their communication. 

Performance, tout public
Duration → 50 minutes


Knot on Hands

Website → Knot on Hands

Nov 19:30
Maschstr. 22-24, 30169 Hannover
Nov 19:30
Maschstr. 22-24, 30169, Hannover

Circ'a Holix is a group of about 18-22 young artists between the ages of 14 and 24 from various circus groups throughout Lower Saxony and Bremen. Together we develop circus shows in regular training camps, with which we perform on various occasions. These training camps take place during the school holidays and offer us space to be creative together, to exchange ideas and of course to share our common love for circus. However, Circ' A Holix does not correspond to the classical image of a circus: creatively we reinvent our disciplines again and again, explore our usual tools of the trade or discover new, sometimes unusual props right away. In this way, we deal with a wide variety of topics in our productions in the form of contemporary circus. We work not only with traditional circus disciplines such as juggling, acrobatics, tightrope walking and trapeze, but also with dance and theatre elements.

Knot on Hands is a partneracrobatic circus trio created by Britt Timmermans, Mario Kunzi and Tijs Bastiaens. Formed in 2017, they strive to take partner acrobatics into a new direction, where the main focus lies on the physicality between the three bodies. Here they find their common ground, from which point they work to create innovative circus pieces.